Sally Pearson pulls out of Commonwealth Games

Pearson pulls out of Commonwealth Games
The poster girl of the 2018 Commonwealth Games - Sally Pearson - is forced to withdraw from the competition due to an Achilles injury.

Australian hurdler Sally Pearson has confirmed that she will not compete at the 2018 Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast.

The 31-year-old - a two-time defending Commonwealth champion - called a press conference with her team doctor earlier today, leading to widespread speculation that the poster girl of the Games would be forced to withdraw.

Pearson has now confirmed the rumours, announcing that she had been struggling with an Achilles injury which flared up two days before the start of competition.

"It's very gutting, there were tears, a lot of tears flowing. There was a numb phase and a crying phase. I was full of confidence warming up [for training two days ago]. I went into a hurles drills and couldn't do it. These injuries can spike very quickly. It was unfortunate the timing was now but my health comes first," she told reporters at her press conference.

"It was a team decision, so as not to take [focus] away from the opening ceremony and being able to enjoy being that last baton bearer of the Queen's Baton Relay. That is why we didn't [say anything immediately], so I could take my place with the baton bearers.

"I was double checking and triple checking that this is the right decision and making sure there was no possible way to be able to get out onto the track without obviously doing more damage and making it a longer process for rehabilitation. It's gut-wrenching, it's heartbreaking and it's very unfortunate that I can't get out there.

"I went out there last night (Wednesday) into the opening ceremony and heard the roar for Australia. Not being able to feel that for myself in my individual events is very disappointing. Retirement was never an option for me. This Achilles issue has been around for a few years now, since obviously when I broke my wrist in 2015."

Pearson had been expected to be Australia's flagbearer for the opening ceremony, but instead was given the honour of handing over the Queen's Baton to Prince Charles.

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Pearson expected to pull out of Games

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