Report: Chelsea, Arsenal locked in battle for Luis Enrique

Report: Chelsea, Arsenal in battle for Enrique
© SilverHub
Chelsea and Arsenal have both opened talks with Luis Enrique over replacing Antonio Conte and Arsene Wenger respectively, according to a report.

Former Barcelona boss Luis Enrique is reportedly at the centre of a managerial tug-of-war between London rivals Chelsea and Arsenal.

The Spaniard is seeking a route back into management after a near year-long sabbatical since stepping down from the Camp Nou helm last May.

Enrique is said to be high on Arsenal's list of candidates to succeed Arsene Wenger, whose 22-year tenure is due to end next month, while Chelsea are also keen as they seek a replacement for Antonio Conte.

According to The Sun, Blues owner Roman Abramovich was already in advanced talks with the 47-year-old before Arsenal declared an interest of their own.

The Gunners are said to have pounced after discussions between Enrique and Chelsea stalled over demands to bring in a large backroom team, however, which the North Londoners would be more willing to accept.

Juventus manager Massimiliano Allegri and out-of-work Carlo Ancelotti are also rumoured to be options for both clubs.

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