Second Russian athlete fails drugs test

Second Russian athlete fails drugs test
© Offside
A second Russian athlete has failed a drugs test at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.

A second Russian athlete has failed a drugs test at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.

The controversy over Russia's ban from the Games following allegations of state-sponsored doping in Sochi four years ago dominated the headlines going into Pyeongchang, but 168 athletes from the country were allowed to compete under the banner of Olympic Athletes from Russia (OAR).

However, Nadezhda Sergeeva has now become the second athlete from Russia to have tested positive for a banned substance at the Games.

The 30-year-old finished 12th in the two-woman bobsleigh event, but the Russian Bobsleigh Federation have revealed that a test from February 18 came back positive - although a previous one from February 13 was clean.

Russian curler Alexander Krushelnitsky was the first Russian athlete to fail a drugs test, and he has since been stripped of the bronze medal he won at the games after being found guilty of doping.

The news comes on the same day that the OAR team won their first gold medal of the Games, with 15-year-old Alina Zagitova coming first in the women's single figure skating.

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