Greater Manchester Police probing Raheem Sterling 'hate crime'

Police probing Raheem Sterling 'hate crime'
© Offside
An alleged racially-aggravated assault on Raheem Sterling prior to Manchester City's win over Tottenham Hotspur is being investigated by Greater Manchester Police.

Greater Manchester Police are investigating an alleged racially-aggravated assault against Manchester City winger Raheem Sterling.

The 23-year-old is said to have been kicked and racially abused at the Citizens' training ground prior to Saturday's 4-1 win over Tottenham Hotspur.

No formal report has been made, but GMP will probe the hate crime incident with the use of CCTV footage from the scene.

"On Sunday 17 December 2017, police were made aware that a 23-year-old man had been subject to a racially aggravated assault on Clayton Lane on Saturday 16 December," statement from the police force read.

"While an official report has not yet been made, enquiries will be carried out and officers are treating it as a hate crime. Hate crime will not be tolerated in Greater Manchester."

Sterling went on to score twice for City as they eased past Spurs to reopen an 11-point lead on Manchester United at the top of the table.

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