Mohamed Salah: 'Winning Golden Boot with Liverpool would be special'

Salah: 'Winning Golden Boot would be special'
© Offside
Mohamed Salah admits that he will do his all to win the Golden Boot award and has the full support of his Liverpool teammates.

Liverpool forward Mohamed Salah has admitted that he is fully focused on holding off Harry Kane to finish the season as the Premier League's top scorer.

The 25-year-old has netted a remarkable 40 goals in his maiden campaign at Anfield, 30 of which have come in the English top flight.

Salah is four in front of closest challenger Kane, who has won the Golden Boot award in back-to-back seasons, and the Egyptian ace cannot hide his desire to claim the individual accolade.

"As you can see last couple of games, the players are trying to help me a lot now to score goals, because they know now I am in for the Golden Boot," he told Sky Sports News. "In the end it is an individual award, but it also helps the team gets the points. The way we play is very good, and you can see the fans are very happy and I feel very good about that, I feel they want me to win something.

"It's the last four games, so it's very clear, I play for it. In the beginning I played for it, but it's always for the team. I want to score for the team. But before, when I was second to Kane, I had a chance to score, I gave it to Bobby (Roberto Firmino) and he scored. I play football for football not just to think about myself.

"I give assists, I create chances, because I can't forget my position. I play still on the wing, not No 9. I play for the team and everyone can see that. Honestly as you can see, I have had a great season and still some games to go. For anyone the most important thing is to play good, to perform good, to score goals for your team. I am happy in the city, for the club and for myself for sure. It means a lot."

Salah has four more league games to add to his tally, starting with Saturday's trip to West Bromwich Albion.

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