Manchester City give Mikel Arteta green light to join Arsenal?

City give Arteta green light to join Arsenal?
© SilverHub
Mikel Arteta is reportedly free to hold discussions with Arsenal over succeeding Arsene Wenger as their next manager after being given the blessing of Manchester City.

Manchester City assistant Mikel Arteta has been cleared by the Premier League champions to take over as Arsenal's next manager, according to a report.

The former midfielder is considered to be the Gunners' top choice to succeed Arsene Wenger, whose 22-year reign in North London is now officially over.

Wenger has given his public support for Arteta, an Arsenal player for five years until retiring in 2016, to take charge despite his lack of managerial experience.

After being given the green light to take on the job, if he is officially offered it, Spanish outlet Sport claims that the 36-year-old will now hold immediate negotiations with chief executive Ivan Gazidis and other members of Arsenal's hierarchy.

Two other former Arsenal players in Patrick Vieira and Thierry Henry are also understood to have been contacted over the high-profile vacancy.

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